Custom Felts

Saturday, 9 July 2016

What a hoot!

Although I have done a lot of needle felting workshops for the Womens Institute, I had never done one for myself. 
I had a few ladies ask me if I did them and the last lady made me go for it! Whats the worst that could happen? No one comes? 

I approached the local community centre and agreed to hire it on 7th July. I then had a mad panic!

What happens if no one comes. Oh dear it was a risk I was going to have to take....

I advertised it on facebook, creating an event and made a poster to advertise in the local shops, then crossed my fingers.

I didnt know how to get people to pay for the event beforehand ( please tell me if you do) so I had to hope for the best.  A few people put on Facebook that they were 'going' but were they? Really? 

What do I get them to make? Now that was a decision. I decided after much thought that owls were a good choice. 

So I set to making tutorials and samples and buying in different coloured wool. I did use my own carded core which gave me great satisfaction I must tell you. 

I started to get a few phone calls asking if they could book on and my nerves calmed slightly.

With everything made and the car loaded up, I went to set up still wondering if I would have anyone there.
With everything ready the first car pulled up, then another and another. I was so relieved I nearly cried.

I had 8 ladies all excited to start.
And how did it go?
Take a look 

They all loved it and want to book again for another one and I sold 4 of my kits! 

They have given me such good feedback and reviews on my facebook page 

That I haven't felt ( excuse the pun) so happy and fulfilled in a long time.

Will I do another?
Oh yes! 
I cant wait!
Please come!